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Engineering Career in Pakistan

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An Engineering career in Pakistan has been one of the most profound and respected careers for ages. One of the dreams of every high school student is to get admission to an engineering university and be a licensed Professional Engineer (PE). In the recent past and especially with the establishment of the Higher Education Commission (HEC), there has been tremendous growth in the field of engineering. This has resulted in the production of quality graduates and the creation of more opportunities due to advancements in the skills of human resource. The engineering graduates of Pakistan are well recognized and are competing very well on international fronts.

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Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels.com

Start-up culture and government support

Moreover, the recent waves of startup culture have allowed fresh graduates from university to team up and establish their own companies and startups. The startup has allowed individuals to venture on fronts that were unavailable a few decades ago. Engineering most effectively fits into this echo system. Being product oriented, they can come up with solutions that can be commercialized and generate revenue. On top of it, Pakistan government is supporting startups. For example, they have opened incubation centers in various cities, where 100% free of cost office space is provided for young emerging companies.

In Pakistan, an engineer gets licensed with Pakistan Engineering Council. They can take up professional work after becoming a member of the council. Recently Pakistan became a signatory of the Washington Accord. This allows its engineering degree to be recognized all over the world. Thus, there is no need for any equivalency tests or interviews. After graduation, both locally and abroad the opportunities exist well enough. In the local market, jobs exist in the government as well as the private sector. As compared to the local salaries in other professions, engineers are always paid decently well.

In short, for a student, engineering is a brilliant career in Pakistan, opening many doors and opportunities. Not only it guarantees an immediate job opportunity after graduation, but also provides a proven career pathway in long term.


We, highly recommend youngsters in Pakistan to take up engineering as a profession and realize their dreams in life. At wiredwhite.com, we are a team of highly skilled engineers, who have diverse engineering knowledge and experience. No matter what your problem is, whether it is related to technical consulting, research and development, tutoring, interview preparation, or human resource build-up. We are here to help and provide you with effective solutions.

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