Ethics and Compliance Guidelines


WiredWhite GmbH strictly prohibits all forms of corruption, whether direct or indirect. The company is firmly committed to maintaining ethical business practices and compliance with applicable laws. The following actions, considered corrupt practices, are strictly forbidden:

  • Promising, offering, or providing, directly or indirectly, any undue advantage to a public official or a third party associated with them.
  • Financing, funding, sponsoring, or otherwise supporting the execution of illegal activities.
  • Using intermediaries to conceal the real interests or beneficiaries of certain actions.

Regarding Public Tenders and Contracts

  • Manipulating or defrauding the competitive nature of a public tender.
  • Preventing, disrupting, or fraudulently influencing any act of a public tender process.
  • Removing or attempting to remove competitors through fraud or by offering incentives.
  • Engaging in fraudulent actions to secure contracts derived from public tenders.
  • Establishing fraudulent or irregular legal entities to participate in public tenders.
  • Fraudulently modifying contracts with public administration without lawful authorization.
  • Manipulating the financial terms of contracts with public administration for undue benefits.
  • Obstructing investigations or inspections conducted by public authorities or regulatory agencies.

WiredWhite GmbH is committed to adhering to all relevant laws, including the German Anti-Corruption Act, the UK Bribery Act 2010, and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. All employees must ensure compliance with these laws and exercise diligence in their activities, as well as in evaluating the practices of clients and business partners.

Compliance Support

Employees can report concerns or seek guidance by contacting This communication channel is confidential and managed by the WiredWhite Compliance Committee.

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest arise when personal relationships or interests take precedence over WiredWhite GmbH’s legitimate corporate objectives. All decisions and activities should be guided by transparency, ethics, and the company’s best interests. Employees must avoid situations that could compromise their impartiality or objectivity.

Confidential Information

WiredWhite GmbH recognizes the strategic importance of confidential information entrusted by its clients, suppliers, and partners. The company is committed to safeguarding this information through robust security measures and confidentiality agreements.

  • Access to confidential information is restricted to authorized employees involved in relevant activities.
  • Employees are required to handle all sensitive information responsibly and maintain its confidentiality.

Data Handling and Protection

WiredWhite GmbH processes data exclusively for legitimate business purposes in compliance with applicable laws, including GDPR. Data is never shared for unauthorized purposes, and strict controls are in place to ensure security and privacy during and after the business relationship.

Questions or concerns related to data privacy can be directed to

Good Practices

  • Understand and comply with laws relevant to WiredWhite GmbH’s operations.
  • Act with ethics, transparency, and good faith in all business relationships.
  • Avoid using your position or access to confidential information for personal or third-party gain.
  • Build relationships based on respect, dedication, and transparency.
  • Utilize technology to enhance customer interactions.
  • Treat all customers, internal and external, with the same level of excellence.

Reporting Concerns

Report any potential violations of laws or ethical standards through the designated channels. Even if uncertain, report your concerns to ensure transparency and compliance.

Customer Focus

WiredWhite GmbH is committed to fostering lasting, trustworthy relationships with customers by offering high-quality products, reliable services, and open communication.

Key Principles

  • Understand and anticipate customer needs.
  • Deliver on commitments while aiming for mutual success.
  • Invest in continuous professional development to maintain excellence in customer service.


This Code represents the values and principles of WiredWhite GmbH. Employees and stakeholders are encouraged to report any violations of this Code through the company’s reporting channels:

WiredWhite GmbH assures that no retaliation or discrimination will occur against those who report concerns in good faith. The Compliance Committee will address all reports promptly and take appropriate measures to resolve any confirmed violations.

By adhering to these guidelines, WiredWhite GmbH aims to maintain ethical practices and contribute positively to the business community.

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