Harmonic State Estimation as a Tool for Estimating Harmonic Load in MATLAB Simulink

  • ID:202300007
  • 25€/45min EUR
  • This position has been filled
  • ID:202300007
  • 25€/45min EUR
  • This position has been filled


Subject: Private Tutoring for the Topic Harmonic State Estimation as a Tool for Estimating Harmonic Load.

Detailed description: Within the scope of a Bachelor Thesis on the topic: “Harmonic State Estimation as a Tool for Estimating Harmonic Load (Harmonic State Estimation als Tool zur Abschätzung von Oberschwingungsbelastung)”, the client wants to meet 1-2 a week to talk about this topic and to create a MATLAB Simulink model required for his Bachelor Thesis.


Your tasks:

1. Schedule a meeting time with the client.

2. Be a helpful expert on the topic of the Bachelor Thesis, create together a suitable MATLAB Simulink model, advise and answer client’s questions.

3. Schedule the next session.


Additional comments:

Preferred language German.


Project start: from now on | immediately

Target deadline: Application deadline is 06.03.2023

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