Wired Coworking – Project Execution

people with a blueprint

In this Blog article we would like to explain how we execute projects at WiredWhite from the project kick-off to the project completion.

  1. First go to the project overview, for this click on your profile icon on the right corner.
  2. Choose the “Projects”in menu.
    You should be able to see all projects you are invited in or a part of.
  3. To see further Project details and contribute to the project enter it.
  1. Go to the Kanban board and
  2. See the open tasks
  1. In the “Files” section you can see all project related files
  2. In the folder “Inputs” you can see all input files that were provided at the beginning of the project

Review or download the files if required.

A proper communication between all project members is essential during the coworking process. There is a dedicated“Discussions”area for that.

  1. Press on the “Discussions”tab.
  2. You can create a new discussion by pressing the“Add New Discussion”button if there is no discussions created yet.

The project tree includes the entire project informations. As the project evolves the discussion tree captures more information on the entire project discussions

Once you as a Partner have finished the task or have an intermediate result its always good to get those uploaded on the platform.

  1. Click on “Files” and then either create a new folder using “Create a folder”button or
  2. Go into the existing folder (in this example the existing folder was named as“deliverables”)

Click on “Upload a file”and see all the uploaded files in the current folder

Once you have finished your job completely

  1. Go to the Kanban board
  2. And move the Technical Task Completion from “In Progress” column into the “Done”column by simply drag and dropping it. Click on any of the tasks to see the details.

In order to book your effort and the time you have spent working on completion of the task, make sure you are assigned to the task you would like to charge hours to.

In order to book your effort and the time you have spent working on completion of the task
1. Go into the Task called “Task completion” and press “Add custom time”
2. Fill out the Date and Total Time fields to indicate the amount of effort you spent working on “completing the task”
3. Press Add
And make sure your changes are being saved

After you completed the task and prepared a brief discription of the results you need to scedule an online call with the customer to present the results.

  1. Wright a message in the discussion tree kindly asking for 3 time slot options and tag the customer by using a special sign @ and typing his name
  2. The customer gives a feedback with proposed 3 time slots.
  3. Choose the time slot that fits you the best and communicate the chosen time slot to the customer and all project members.

Now you can create New Appointments (Step 1).
For that click on the button New Appointment (Step 2).

  1. Choose the customer you would like to video call with.
  2. Pick the right Category, we call it “On the Project”.
  3. Take the right Service from the dropdown menu called “Let´s Talk”.
  4. Choose the date that fits you the best
  5. Choose the time you would like to have the Zoom call.
  6. Trigger Notify the customer(s) checkbox.
  7. Press Save button.

Shortly you will receive an email confirmation with the link to join the jitsi room, press that link to join the meeting.
The customer will receive an exact same email confirmation with the Meeting link, customer will need to press that link to join the meeting.

Type in your name, make sure your mic is connected and activated and enter the meeting by pressing the “Join meeting” button.

After the “results presentation” meeting the project enters the HyperCare phase that lasts 2 weeks.
To indicate the start of “HyperCare” go to the project´s Kanban board (Step 1) and write the note with the date of the HyperCare begin.

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