Membership Upgrade

Time for premium

Upgrade your access to the WiredWhite learning platform.


For self-motivated learners.
  • Learning platform access
  • Customer protection
  • Fraud protection
  • Technical articles access
  • Access to My ChatGPT
  • 15-minutes Free Consultation Call
  • Partner proficiency: Basic & Lead Partners
  • 7 days HyperCare phase


For quality & speed.
  • Learning platform access
  • Customer protection
  • Fraud protection
  • Technical articles access
  • Access to My ChatGPT
  • 15-minutes Free Consultation Call
  • Partner proficiency: Basic & Lead Partners
  • 14 days HyperCare phase
  • Project management by WiredWhite
  • Kanban, File Manager, Discussions, Meeting Rooms
  • Partner selection by WiredWhite
  • Quality control by WiredWhite
  • All courses from WiredWhite GmbH
  • Support 24/7
WiredWhite Customer