Tech Blogging with WiredWhite

Tech Blogging with WiredWhite

In the given article you will read all about Tech Blogging with WiredWhite. We will explain why it is highly recommendable to publish some articles on the platform and how exactly you, as Partner of the platform, can do this.

1. Why it is important

    Publishing technical articles about your subject of expertise, will highlight your credibility and proficiency in this matter.

    In addition to that, it will increase the number of Activity Points in your profile. To read more about Activity Points, please refer to this article.

    Both aspects, are highly likely to lead to an increased number of customer requests for your services.

    You can see an example of Partner’s Tech blog here: Matlab and Simulink – a must-have tool for signal processing.

    2. How to start Tech Blogging with WiredWhite

    Tech Blogging at WiredWhite is fairly easy. Being a Partner of our platform add an additional tab to your profile, called “Store Manager”.

    Store Manager in Partner Profile

    By clicking on your Store Manager, you are accessing not only the area, where you can manage your product and orders, but you can also start writing your article. Click on the menu item called “Articles”.  From here you can either add a new one or edit already previously published articles under your name.

    Article Menu in Store Manager

    When clicking “Add New” a new screen will appear. Here you can add the following:

    • Article Title
    • Choose an article category.
    • Add Tags
    • Add an image
    • Short Description
    • Description
    • Add Search Engine Optimization (SEO) details.

    In the following we will describe every aspect in more details.

    Example View of Article Editor

    2.1 Article Title

    This is a mandatory field. Obviously, every blog article needs a comprehensive and attractive article title. We recommend a length of 50-60 characters.

    2.2 Category

    Here you can choose the major topic under which your blog post will be posted and found by users. At the moment you can choose between the following blog categories:

    • Engineering: Use for all topics related to engineering.
    • E-Mobility: User for all topics related to e-mobility.
    • Programming: Use for all topics related to programming.
    • WiredWiki: Use for high quality engineering and programming content. For instance, scientific publications, case studies, guides for how to solve typical engineering or programming issue, etc.
    • How To: Please do NOT use. In this category we are posting our insightful article about how to do things as a Partner on our platform.
    • Throwback Thursday: Please do NOT use. This is a WiredWhite internal category.

    Please choose 1 relevant category for your blog article. This is a mandatory field.

    2.3 Tags

    Tags are short keywords (1-3 words) that best describe the content of your article. They serve to identify what the content of your article is about to present better results to our readers, e.g. in the search fields on our website or Google search.

    Please use 2-5 relevant tags per blog article. This is a mandatory field.

    2.4 Image

    In this field you can upload a cover image for your blog article. Therefore, this field is mandatory. The cover image will be visible in every preview of your blog article, when listed on our blog page, as well as on the top of your blog article.

    In the description field you will be able to add more images, that support the content of your article.

    Please use a high quality image. Recommendable image parameters are: 1050x420px.

    2.5 Short Description

    This is an optional field. A short description is used as an excerpt of your article to interest the readers and make them want to read further. If you do not insert a short description yourself, the system will automatically display the first few sentences of your article.

    The lengths of an ideal excerpt should be about 40-55 words.

    2.6 Description

    Here you add your entire text of the article including any of your subheading, images, tables or lists. Therefore, this obviously is a mandatory field.

    In order for the formatting of your blog post to look appealing at the end, please follow the following recommendations:

    2.6.1 Adding Subheadings

    The longer your article, the more it should be split into different parts with subheading. This simply improves the readability for the user.

    In order to add a subheading, simply write your subtitle text, mark the text and choose from the first drop-down of the editor “Heading 3”.

    Description Field Format Subheading

    2.6.2 Images

    To add some supportive images to your text, just click the “Add Media” button and upload your image. You can then choose how you want to align your newly added picture (to the left, centre, etc.).

    2.6.3 Lists

    In order to make a list with bullet points or numbers, simply mark the text you want to use as a list and click on the “Bulleted list” or “Numbered list” button.

    Bullet Points Buttons in Editor

    2.6.4 Lifehack for easier blogging

    To make the entire processes even smarter and easier, it is recommended to prepare your blog article in a Word document in advance. Once finished, just use Copy Paste, to insert the text into the description field.

    The system will automatically take over all your content, including images, lists and event tables. However, please do not forget to double-check that everything has been transferred correctly and make formatting improvements inside the editor, if necessary.

    2.7 SEO

    This field is highly recommended, as it will ensure that more users from outside our platform will find your article on the internet.

    Please see a short instruction of how to optimize your article for search engines.

    2.7.1 Focus Keyword

    The text that you insert into the Focus Keyword field should ideally consist of 3-5 words. Moreover, the Focus Keyword should always appear in the title of your article and the first paragraph of your text.

    Based on this choose your focus keyword smartly.

    Example: If your blog article has the title “Matlab and Simulink – a must-have tool for signal processing”, a suitable Focus Keyword would be “Matlab Simulink for signal processing”.

    2.7.2 Meta Description

    The Meta Description will be the text, that is displayed in the preview of each post in the search engine results (see Figure below).

    Google Search Article Preview

    In order for it to be well visible in the search engine preview, the length of the Meta Description should not be more than 156 characters. But also not less than 120 characters.

    Furthermore, the Meta Description should also include the focus keyword, that you have indicated in the field above.

    To continue our example from 2.7.1, a suitable Meta Description could be “Read an in-depth article about the reasons why Matlab and Simulink are a must-have tool for signal processing.”.

    3. Finalizing your article

    When done editing, you can either click on the “Draft” button or “Submit for review”. When you are not done yet and just have a preview of what you have done so far, just save it as a draft. After this, a Preview button will appear.

    Once you are satisfied with the preview and want to have your article published, click the “Submit for review” button. We will review and approve it.

    P.S. Reasons for not approving an article: Since the quality of the content posted on the platform is important to us, we will of course review your article. Therefore, please bear in mind the following reasons for not receiving an approval for your article right away:

    • Missing article title
    • Missing category or wrong category
    • Missing tags or not relevant tags
    • Irrelevant or offensive article content
    • Poor image quality

    If you have any questions or difficulties, please reach out to Matthew, our Happiness Manager.

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