WiredWhite 2.0: How to manage my store.

In this article you will learn everything you need to know in order to use and manage your store tools in the most efficient and easy way.

1. Learning platform process

More freedom, more money, but also more responsibility.

We have launched WiredWhite 2.0 with a facilitated system for Partners of our platform to interact with customers and offer Private Tutoring and Mentoring services directly to students. As of now, customers will be able to find your profile via the filter function in the Member Directory.

The member overview page.

If your profile convinces them, customers will send you a message. Use the chat to receive a detailed requirements description from your potential students and discuss all conditions. Once you and your student agreed on everything, refer the customer to your personal store.

You will find in your profile a tab called “Products”. In this tab, you will see a default product, called “Individual Request by your username”.

The default product has a default price of 1€. Ask your customer to use the quantity field, to order the pre-agreed sum.

Please bear in mind, that we will take a commission of 0,25€+ 5% of the total order amount, plus a 19% tax on our commission. E.g., if your customer places an order for 50€ and you have a 0% tax on this product, 3.3€ will stay with WiredWhite and 46.70€ will be assigned to you. Please also bear in mind, that for some Money Withdrawal requests, we will charge a small fee, depending on your choice of payment method. Read more about it here.   

As soon as your customer places an order, you will be notified. Arrange your meeting sessions with the customer as it suits you and use the newly introduced phone call feature to hold online tutoring sessions.

How to enter online calls with customers.

You as a “Partner” need to moderate the video call, by entering it first. If the system will ask you to log-in, please do so with a Google or Facebook account.

Once you’ve provided all services requested by your customer, please put the order status on “complete”. This will ensure, that this order can be considered for payment withdrawal. More details on how to put an order on complete and how to request payment withdrawal will be shared in the following chapters.

2. Most important settings at a glance

Please do not start accepting customer orders before you did not set-up the following items.


The verification is a crucial part of your account set-up. Without undergoing the process of verification, you will not be able to request money withdrawals.

Click the “Verification” button, that is located in your settings in the upper right corner.

Check the “Prompt Verify” checkbox and upload the required identity verification documents:

  • National ID Card/Passport/Driver’s License*: one kind of the documents is required.
  • Tax ID /Tax Number Verification*:one of the documents is required.
  • Address Verification*: e.g., a bank account statement with a clearly readable address and name or an electricity bill.
  • Proof of qualification/Certificate: this is optional. You can get your profile marked as “Qualification proven”.

Once you have submitted your request for verification, we will be notified. If you have submitted all mandatory documents, we will grant the the verification right away. If we miss anything, we will get back to you again.


Under the location tab you are asked to indicate your address. Please fill in this information, as the address indicated here, will be used for your store invoice.

Store invoice settings:

Please set up your store invoice before accepting orders. Following fields are available for set-up:

  • Invoice No Prefix: e.g., IN, all your invoices would then start with “IN”
  • Invoice No. Sufix: e.g., WW, all your invoices would then end with “WW”

We recommend sett-up at least one of these choices, either Prefix or Sufix.

  • Invoice No. Digit: e.g., when entering “3”, your invoice number between the Prefix and Suffix will be 3 digits long: IN001.
  • Full name or legal entity: please write your full name or the name of your company, in case you act as a legal entity.
  • TAX No.: please indicate here your tax ID.
  • Commercial registrant: This is optional, but might be necessary if you are operating as a company.
  • Managing Director: this is optional.
  • Disclaimer: you can choose to add a disclaimer to all your invoices.
  • Digital Signature: you can choose to have a digital signature on all your invoices.

Payment withdrawal:

To initiate a new payment withdrawal, click on the “Withdrawal” button in the upper right corner. This will open all orders that are already eligible for payout for your chosen date range. Please note the following conditions for payment withdrawal:

  •  An order needs to have the status “completed” to appear as a withdrawal option. Read how to do that here.
  • 14 days need to pass after an order has been marked as “complete”.
  • Per default our minimum withdrawal threshold is 200€. You can contact an admin and request to lower this threshold until 100€ for you, but we do not recommend it, as this will raise your withdrawal charges.
  • You need to have a verified account. Read how to do this here.

Once you place the withdrawal request, we will be notified. We will approve your withdrawal request as soon as we have verified, that there are no open refund requests for the orders you wish to be paid for. You will receive the money via the chosen payment method in your payment settings.

3. How to manage your store

In addition to the Products tab, you will also find a new tab in your profile called “Store Manager”. By clicking on it, you can access your store dashboard from where you can manage everything connected to products, orders, payments, invoices, etc.

How to manage my store: Overview of store manager

3.1 Products

Go to the products menu item and choose your Individual Request product. By clicking on the edit button, you can change your product picture, short product description, product description and many more.

3.1.1 Product name

By default, your product name is Individual Request by username. You can change the name of your product, however, we strongly recommend keeping <by your “username”> as the last part of your product name, because it creates a link to your profile page.

3.1.2 Price

Per default the product price is set to 1.00, – € and it is meant that your customers use the quantity field to place an order for the correct sum. You are free to change that, however our recommendation is to keep it.

3.1.3 Product picture, categories and tags

Your default product is being created with a placeholder picture suggested by us. You are free to add another picture, that represents your services in the best possible way.

In addition to that, the category is set to Coaching and the tags are set to Learning, Mentoring, Tutoring. We do not suggest changing it, for this product.

3.1.4 Short description and full description

A short description is also added by default. You can use it as a base and rephrase it, so it better represents your services and field of expertise. We do recommend keeping this one phrase: “Please setup the required amount using the quantity field.”

The Description field is empty by default. This is the area where you can present your service is a much broader and extensive way and it is absolutely up to you what to write there.

Both fields are mandatory.

3.1.5 Taxes

In the lower section of your product page, you can edit your tax settings. Per default the Tax status is set to “taxable” and the tax class to “Standard”, which is 0% of taxes.

As tax regulations vary by country and your personal situation, it is your responsibility to set it up correctly to your needs. The exchange of invoices is a difficult and annoying process and it is the partners responsibility, that his/her invoices are correct from the beginning.

You can use the “Tax Class” setting dropdown and change it from Standard (0%) to any number between 1% and 35%. If you are missing a tax class, please contact us.

When communicating your prices to customers, pay attention to indicating all prices in gross (with taxes already included).

3.1.6 Linked Products

This setting is optional. We recommend using it whenever you have more than one product in your store. This can be the case, when you are also a Course Instructure and sell your online courses on our platform. If that is the case, just use the “Cross-sells” dropdown and add your course products there. As a result, your other products will also appear on your Individual Request product detail page.

3.1.7 SEO

This is an optional setting. Setting-up your Search Engine Optimization for a product, will increase the chances of your profile being found by new customers.

However, please only do the SEO set-up with your individual keyword and description. Do not copy any already existing text.

The following settings are possible:

  • Focus keyword: e.g., your core competence.
  • Meta description: this is the text below the URL, that is visible on the Google search result page. Briefly describe your service here with a maximum of 156 characters and ideally including your focus keyword.

3.1.8 Advanced

In the advanced tab, you can set-up whether you want this product to be eligible for customer reviews or not. Per default, this option is turned-on, and we highly recommend leaving it this way.

Collecting and displaying reviews for your product, will increase your chances for new customer requests. Reviews are a strong tool to create trust in your services.

The Purchase Note field is an optional text field, which can be used to automatically send the customer a note after they’ve done a purchase of your product.

3.2 Orders

Here you will find an overview of all your orders including order number, customer name, purchased quantity, date and time of the purchase, as well as the purchase amount in € and the admin fee on this customer purchase.

On this page, you can (1) view the details of an order (2) open a commission invoice and (3) open your store invoice.

3.2.1 Order details page & managing order status

By clicking on the eye icon of an order, you will land on the order details page. From here you will see the current order status, all purchase details and have the option to add notes to the order, either as a private note (only for yourself) or as a note to customer, which will automatically send it via email to your customer.

Managing order status:

On the top of the page, you can see the current order status of the respective order. You can use the dropdown menu to change the order status.

Whenever a customer places an order and the payment could have been successfully processed, the order status is automatically set to “Processing. So, whenever you see that an order’s status is on “processing”, you are safe to start working on it.

Whenever the order status is “pending payment”, “on hold” or “refunded”, we do not suggest to start working on this customer request. When the order status is “pending payment”, we advise waiting a few days and then check the order status again.

If the “pending payment” status still prevails or the order status is “on hold” or “refunded”, we recommend getting in contact with your customer.

As soon as you are done working on your customer’s request, it is important to manually change the order status to “complete”. If you do not do this, this order will not be eligible for payment withdrawal.

Dealing with “urgent requests”:

It may happen that your customer needs immediate support. You sure can accept these requests, but on your own responsibility.

In such cases we recommend 1) asking your customer for a screenshot of the payment 2) ask for a payment by Credit Card, as these transactions turn to “Processing” almost immediately. Payment via Klarna, Sofort or Bank Transfer may take longer processing time than a Credit Card.

3.2.2 Commission invoice

The commission invoice is an invoice from our WiredWhite platform to you, which simply states, that we’re keeping 0,25€+5% (+ 19% VAT) of your total earnings from an order as an Admin fee. No further actions are needed from your side.

3.2.3 Store invoice

The store invoice is an automatically generated invoice from you to your customers. This invoice is being sent to them with the order confirmation email. It is highly important for you, to set-up your store invoice settings before accepting customer orders. More information on how to correctly set-up your invoice information can be found in the settings chapter.

3.3 Coupons

The coupons section allows you to generate coupon codes that are only valid for your products. Click on the Add New button.

Here you can define all details of your coupon code:

  • Code: e.g., Sale20
  • Description: this is a note for yourself, to remember what kind of code this is.
  • Discount Type: whether it is a percentage discount or a fixed amount in €.
  • Coupon Amount: e.g., 20. If your discount type is “percentage discount”, then this will grant a 20% discount. If the discount type is set to fixed product discount, then it will grant a 20€ discount.
  • Coupon expiry date: defines until when the coupon code is valid to use.  

Minimum settings required are code, discount type and coupon amount. The remaining ones are optional.

If you wish you can set-up additional restrictions and limitations for your coupon code. The most useful ones are:

  • Minimum spend: the minimum the order amount needs to be in order to use this coupon code.
  • Products: specify for which products it is applicable, e.g., in case you also sell courses on our platform and do not want, that this code is applicable to your courses as well.
  • Usage limit per coupon: how many times this coupon can be used before it is void.

Usage limit per user: how many times this coupon can be used by an individual user.

3.4 Customers

Under the Customers tab you will find a list of your customers. You can view the customers’:

  • Name
  • Total number of orders for your products
  • Total money spent for your products
  • When the last order hast been.

3.5 Refunds

On our platform, customers have 14 days of time to request a refund after an order has been placed. As soon as a refund request has been placed, you and we (the platform) are being notified.

In the refund tab, you will find all refund request details:

  • The respective Order ID
  • The requested amount
  • Whether it is a full or partial refund
  • The indicated refund reason
  • The date when the refund was placed

Only Admins of the platform can approve or deny refund requests. As soon as we receive a refund request for your order, we will get in touch with you to get the full picture on the situation.

In case of a refund request, you are also welcome to get in contact with your customer directly via messenger and clarify whether there is another way to resolve the issue.

3.6 Settings

When clicking on the settings tab, you will see a range of various fields that require your attention. The most important ones are verification, location, payment and store invoice.

3.6.1 Store

Under the store settings tab you will see your Store Email. By default, it shows the email address, that was used to create your account.

Please note, that if you decide to choose Stripe as your payout method in the payment settings, the email address indicated in this field, will be automatically used for your Stripe Account in the set-up.

In case you want to use for your Stripe Account a different email, please change your email address here in the store settings. This will not affect your account email.

Furthermore, in the store settings you have the possibility to upload your own store logo. However, you do not need to do this, in this case on all your invoices our default partner logo will appear.

How to manage my store: example of invoice

3.6.2 Location

Under the location tab you are asked to indicate your address.

Please fill in this information, as the address indicated here, will be used for your store invoice.

3.6.3 Payment Methods

Use the dropdown to choose the payment method that will be used for paying out your withdrawal requests. At the moment you can choose between Stripe, PayPal and Bank Transfer.


When choosing the Stripe payment method, a Stripe Connect button will appear. When clicking this button, you are redirected to a Stripe Account set-up page.

Before clicking on the Stripe Connect button, please make sure, that the email address indicated in your store settings, is the same that you want to use for your Stripe account.

How to manage my store settings

Except for your email, you will also have to indicate the reason for connecting to our Stripe account. Based on our experience choosing one of the following industries worked well: “Education, Consulting or Software Services”. Please also bear in mind, that once you have chosen a country from the set-up dropdown, you will not be able to change it anymore. For more information on the set-up of Stripe accounts read here.

We strongly recommend using the Stripe option, as this has significantly lower withdrawal charges and works automatically. A small difference might occur due to the exchange rates, in case your Bank Account is in another currency.

Bank Transfer:

When you choose Bank Transfer as your payment method, you will have to indicate your bank information.

Please note that, when choosing bank transfer as your payout method, we’ll have to charge another 5€ + 1% of the amount to be paid out as withdrawal fees.


To use PayPal, please choose the payment method “PayPal WiredWhite”. Here you will find a field called “PayPal Email Address”. Just enter your valid PayPal Email Address here.

Please keep in mind, that PayPal may take a commission from you, for our payment. Please turn to the PayPal regulations to know the exact fees.

3.6.4 Store invoice

Please set up your store invoice before accepting orders. Following fields are available for set-up:

  • Invoice No Prefix: e.g., IN, all your invoices would then start with “IN”
  • Invoice No. Sufix: e.g., WW, all your invoices would then end with “WW”

We recommend sett-up at least one of these choices, either Prefix or Sufix.

  • Invoice No. Digit: e.g., when entering “3”, your invoice number between the Prefix and Suffix will be 3 digits long: IN001.
  • Full name or legal entity: please write your full name or the name of your company, in case you act as a legal entity.
  • TAX No.: please indicate here your tax ID.
  • Commercial registrant: This is optional, but might be necessary if you are operating as a company.
  • Managing Director: this is optional.
  • Disclaimer: you can choose to add a disclaimer to all your invoices.
  • Digital Signature: you can choose to have a digital signature on all your invoices.

3.6.5 Verification

The verification is a crucial part of your account set-up. Without undergoing the process of verification, you will not be able to request money withdrawals.

Click the “Verification” button, that is located in your settings in the upper right corner.

Check the “Prompt Verify” checkbox and upload the required identity verification documents:

  • National ID Card/Passport/Driver’s License*: one kind of the documents is required.
  • Tax ID /Tax Number Verification*:one of the documents is required.
  • Address Verification*: e.g., a bank account statement with a clearly readable address and name or an electricity bill.
  • Proof of qualification/Certificate: this is optional. You can get your profile marked as “Qualification proven”.

Once you have submitted your request for verification, we will be notified. If all mandatory documents were submitted, the verification will be granted right away. If we miss anything, we will get back to you again.

3.7 Payments

Under the payments tab you can view all money withdrawal requests previously made by you and their current status.

Whenever a customer places an order for your product, the payment initially gets stored on our platform. To receive your payment, you need to place a withdrawal request.

Payment withdrawal:

To initiate a new payment withdrawal, click on the “Withdrawal” button in the upper right corner. This will open all orders that are already eligible for payout for your chosen date range.  

Please note the following conditions for payment withdrawal:

  • An order needs to have the status “completed” to appear as a withdrawal option. Read how to do that here.
  • 14 days need to pass after an order has been marked as “complete”.
  • Per default our minimum withdrawal threshold is 200€. You can contact an admin and request to lower this threshold until 100€ for you, but we do not recommend it, as this will raise your withdrawal charges.
  • You need to have a verified account. Read how to do this here.

Once you place your withdrawal request, we will be notified. We will approve your withdrawal request as soon as we have verified, that there are no open refund requests for the orders you wish to be paid for. You will receive the money via the chosen payment method in your payment settings.

3.8 Ledger Book

The purpose of the ledger book is to illustrate the money flow of your incoming customer orders.

3.9 Reports

In the reports tab you can see your sales performance for a chosen period of time.

4. Notification dashboard

When clicking on the “bell” icon in the upper right corner of your store manager, you will reach the notification dashboard. All updates about relevant store transactions and processes will appear here.

You can mark the notification as read and it will disappear from your notification dashboard.

5. Announcements

The icon next to the notification dashboard is used for admin announcements. If there is something, that we’d like to communicate to all our Partners, we will use this announcements dashboard and a new message from us, will pop-up there.

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