Abd Alrahman Hourani
Description of skills | Matlab : Advanced level Autodek Inventor: Expert level Ansys : medium level C++ / C# (GUI) : Advanced level java : medium level Python: Advanced level simscape matlab : beginner/medium level simulink matlab : advanced level
Language Skills* | English |
Matlab* | Expert |
Simulink* | Expert |
Robotics and Automation* | Expert |
Electric Circuits* | Expert |
Matlab Image/Video/Audio Processing* | Expert |
Finite-Elemente-Analysis (FEA, FEM)* | Expert |
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)* | Intermediate |
Computer Aided Design (CAD)* | Expert |
Thermal Analysis* | Intermediate |
Java* | Expert |
Python* | Expert |
C, C++* | Expert |
Visual Basic* | Expert |
Android Development* | No skills |
Data Science | AI* | Intermediate |
Profile Type | Partner |
First Name* | Abd Alrahman |
Last Name* | Hourani |
Nickname* | abdhourani |
My Hourly Rate in € | 20 |
Additional comments: | Hello, my name is Abd Al-Rahman Hourani and I am a freshly graduated mechatronics engineer from the Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology. I am currently pursuing my dream in the master’s degree and looking for some side work in order to increase my experiences in the practical field. I hope that by the end of this letter you may consider me as your next employee/freelancer. I have 7+ years of experience in Robotics Competitions (WRO and ARC) both as a participant and coach. During these years of experience I have dealt with Lego Mindstorms, LabView, Small Basic, Clever, Arduino C and python on different controllers such as EV3, NXT, Raspberry Pi and Arduino chips. Since the beginning of my studies in the HIAST I had more than 5 courses in Computer Aided Design using designing software such as Autodesk Inventor and Solidworks, in addition to courses dealing with the structural analysis of mechanical parts using ANSYS. Also, I have practical experience in simulation software like Adams and Matlab SimMechanics. Which gave me a lot of experience in using these programs. I am also well acknowledged in Matlab; especially in dealing with Simulink, Simscape Multibody. Also, I have used Matlab in signal processing, Control and Image Processing throughout my bachelor’s studies. I have also dealt with Graphical User Interfaces using Matlab for my graduation project. Another field I have worked and gained experience in is Microprocessors Programming using Assembly (Marie and EDSim) and C languages. As well as logical circuits design using LogicAid/Logisim tools and Field Programmable Gate Array programming using VHDL on Quartus. I think what distinguishes me from other engineers in this field is the ability to think outside the box which was grown from my several participations in HIAST-CPC and SCPC for more than 4 years. This developed my problem solving techniques using C/C++, Java and Python. Moreover, I have experience in using C# for GUI Desktop Applications which I used in my 4th year project. I am also willing to pass this knowledge through tutoring and solving mathematical, mechanical and physical tasks. Thank you for the time you gave reading this letter, hoping we could work together in the future. |