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Thermodynamics – Mechanical Engineering

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Über den Kurs

During my college times. I often found my classmates having trouble with Thermodynamics. Many of them even had backlogs when they have cleared other tough subjects like Dynamics Of Machine, Machine Design etc;. However this subject always amused me. The vastness of this subject is what makes it tough in the first place.

What is the importance of thermodynamics in our daily lives?

Heating and cooling systems in our homes and other buildings, engines that power our motor vehicles, even the design of buildings and vehicles, all incorporate information from thermodynamics to make them perform well.

What do we learn from thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is a part of physics that involves work, heat and temperature that are related to energy, chemical reactions and physical properties of matter. Thermodynamics also deals in studying systems and how they change according to their environment such systems are turbines, engines, nozzles and reactions in closed and open reaction systems.

What is the importance of thermodynamics in engineering?

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics dealing with matter and conversion of energy, conversion of energy into heat and work in particular. Each object of interest in engineering contains matter, therefore, thermodynamics is usually included or indirectly involved in the analysis of almost all engineering problems.

“Nothing in life is certain except death, taxes and the second law of thermodynamics.”

Was werde ich lernen?

  • 1. Thermodynamic system & processes
  • 2. Work and Heat transfer of various processes in both open and closed system
  • 3. Laws of thermodynamics with numericals
  • 4. Steady flow energy equation - Derivation, application & numerical
  • 5. Thermodynamic applications of devices like Nozzles,Diffusers,Turbine,Compressor,Heat exchanger
  • 6. Throttling process,Enthalpy & Entropy
  • 7. Carnot cycle & Reverse Carnot cycle


Introduction to thermodynamics, system, process, state, path, Laws of thermodynamics (Introductory)

  • Thermodynamic Systems
  • Thermodynamic Processes
  • Give an example of a Quasistatic process
  • Thermodynamics Laws
  • Quiz 1

Heat & Work
Heat and work transfer, Sign convention, PdV work in various processes, PV diagram, Numerical and various thermodynamic reversible processes

I Law of Thermodynamics
Fundamentals of I law, Heat transfer formula, Heat transfer in various processes, concept of enthalpy, Numerical

Steady flow energy equation SFEE
Steady flow energy equation, mass & energy flow rate, Nozzle, Diffuser, Turbine, Compressor, Mach Number, Throttling process,, Heat and work transfer in open system, Numerical on SFEE

II Law of Thermodynamics
Fundamentals, Kelvin Planks statement, Clausius statement, PMM, Carnot cycle, Reverse Carnot cycle, Thermal efficiency, COP, Numerical on II law

Fundamentals of entropy, Clausius theorem

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4 Monaten ago
I have tried finding information to understand Thermodynamics online and on YouTube videos, but with no results.This course has really given me what I needed to learn. Great job! Thank you so much.
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